Prasasti Ciaruteun
Prasasti Ciaruteun found on the banks of the river Ciampea Ciaruteun, not far from the river Sadane River, Bogor, Indonesia.. The inscription of the kingdom of Tarumanagara.
According to the Rajya text Rajya I Bhumi archipelago parwa 2, sarga 3, page 161 states that possessed Tarumanagara Rajamandala (dependencies), called "Pasir Muhara".
Prasasti Ciaruteun reported by Bataaviasch leader van Kunsten en Wetenschappen Genootschap (now the National Museum) in 1863. Due to the great flood in 1893 this inscription stone drift away few yards downstream and become part of the stone that read upside down position. Then in 1903 the inscription is moved into right place. In 1981 the Directorate of Protection and Development of Historical and Archeological Department of Education and Culture made a permanent platform so that flood will not effect the stone..
Prasasti Ciaruteun made of natural rock.
Prasasti Ciaruteun bergoreskan Pallawa arranged in the form of Sanskrit mantra with Anustubha sloka consisting of four rows and at the top of the posts are carved a pair of feet, drawing bulbs and tendrils (helical) and spiders.
The Text:
vikkrantasyavanipat eh
srimatah purnnavarmmanah
visnoriva padadvayam
"This (sign) a pair of lotus feet of Vishnu (preserver) is a glorious palm of the Purna Varman, king in the land of Taruma, a valiant king of the world".
The feet symbolizes the power of the king over the area where the discovery of the inscription. This means that confirms the position that likened Purna Varman Vishnu then regarded as the ruler and protector of the people
Prasasti Ciaruteun found on the banks of the river Ciampea Ciaruteun, not far from the river Sadane River, Bogor, Indonesia.. The inscription of the kingdom of Tarumanagara.
According to the Rajya text Rajya I Bhumi archipelago parwa 2, sarga 3, page 161 states that possessed Tarumanagara Rajamandala (dependencies), called "Pasir Muhara".
Prasasti Ciaruteun reported by Bataaviasch leader van Kunsten en Wetenschappen Genootschap (now the National Museum) in 1863. Due to the great flood in 1893 this inscription stone drift away few yards downstream and become part of the stone that read upside down position. Then in 1903 the inscription is moved into right place. In 1981 the Directorate of Protection and Development of Historical and Archeological Department of Education and Culture made a permanent platform so that flood will not effect the stone..
Prasasti Ciaruteun made of natural rock.
Prasasti Ciaruteun bergoreskan Pallawa arranged in the form of Sanskrit mantra with Anustubha sloka consisting of four rows and at the top of the posts are carved a pair of feet, drawing bulbs and tendrils (helical) and spiders.
The Text:
vikkrantasyavanipat eh
srimatah purnnavarmmanah
visnoriva padadvayam
"This (sign) a pair of lotus feet of Vishnu (preserver) is a glorious palm of the Purna Varman, king in the land of Taruma, a valiant king of the world".
The feet symbolizes the power of the king over the area where the discovery of the inscription. This means that confirms the position that likened Purna Varman Vishnu then regarded as the ruler and protector of the people