Previously it is mentioned thatthe temple has 56 odd musical pillars, but now there are only nine musical pillars which are functional and produce melodious, feet-tapping tunes.
The musical pillars of Vithala temple in Hampi produce melodious and feet-tapping tunes. The solid stone columns in these pillars produce audible sound, when struck with a finger. Systematic investigations on the acoustic characteristics of the musical pillars of mahamandapam (great stage) of the Vitthala Temple have been carried out. The 11 most popular pillars that produce sounds of specific musical instruments are considered for the investigations.
Surprisingly, these pillars are rock solid, not hollow as they would look . A huge rock was used to make the main pillar and the sub pillars were around the main pillar. So basically the sub pillars are carved out in different length and width to make the differences in sound.
The sound produced from these 11 most popular musical pillars was recorded systematically and different nondestructive testing techniques such as low frequency ultrasonic testing, impact echo testing, and in situ metallography were employed on the musical columns of these pillars. The peak frequencies in the amplitude spectrum of the sound produced from various columns in these pillars are correlated with the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocity determined using impact echo technique.
The peak frequencies obtained experimentally have been found to have excellent correlation with the calculated flexural frequencies based on the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocities of the columns.
This shows the skill of the Stone Mason who could discern the sound probability while cutting the stone to desired sizes and shapes to give different sounds !!!!'](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/311196_514125451945600_116088551_n.jpg?oh=bf0f8f2cd580db3b87074fbff6f981a6&oe=55B3568F&__gda__=1437945228_380cd3528f1c11c630432fa2d8165442)
Previously it is mentioned that...the temple has 56 odd musical pillars, but now there are only nine musical pillars which are functional and produce melodious, feet-tapping tunes.
The musical pillars of Vithala temple in Hampi produce melodious and feet-tapping tunes. The solid stone columns in these pillars produce audible sound, when struck with a finger. Systematic investigations on the acoustic characteristics of the musical pillars of mahamandapam (great stage) of the Vitthala Temple have been carried out. The 11 most popular pillars that produce sounds of specific musical instruments are considered for the investigations.
Surprisingly, these pillars are rock solid, not hollow as they would look . A huge rock was used to make the main pillar and the sub pillars were around the main pillar. So basically the sub pillars are carved out in different length and width to make the differences in sound.
The sound produced from these 11 most popular musical pillars was recorded systematically and different nondestructive testing techniques such as low frequency ultrasonic testing, impact echo testing, and in situ metallography were employed on the musical columns of these pillars. The peak frequencies in the amplitude spectrum of the sound produced from various columns in these pillars are correlated with the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocity determined using impact echo technique.
The peak frequencies obtained experimentally have been found to have excellent correlation with the calculated flexural frequencies based on the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocities of the columns.
This shows the skill of the Stone Mason who could discern the sound probability while cutting the stone to desired sizes and shapes to give different sounds .
Surprisingly, these pillars are rock solid, not hollow as they would look . A huge rock was used to make the main pillar and the sub pillars were around the main pillar. So basically the sub pillars are carved out in different length and width to make the differences in sound.
The sound produced from these 11 most popular musical pillars was recorded systematically and different nondestructive testing techniques such as low frequency ultrasonic testing, impact echo testing, and in situ metallography were employed on the musical columns of these pillars. The peak frequencies in the amplitude spectrum of the sound produced from various columns in these pillars are correlated with the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocity determined using impact echo technique.
The peak frequencies obtained experimentally have been found to have excellent correlation with the calculated flexural frequencies based on the dimensional measurements and ultrasonic velocities of the columns.
This shows the skill of the Stone Mason who could discern the sound probability while cutting the stone to desired sizes and shapes to give different sounds .