Monday, June 1, 2020

Why baby live in womb for 9 months and 9 days

what is the scientific way to make a child great?
People believe very little on astrology because astrologers have destroyed astrology because of their incomplete knowledge.
Why the baby live in the womb for
9 months and 9 days. It has a scientific basis. The 9 planets of our universe develop the child growing in the womb with their own rays.

Every planet develops the parts of the child's body according to its nature.
If a planet is weak at the time of the child growing in the womb, then it can be cured by remedy.

1. Venus remains in effect for 1 month from pregnancy, if Venus is weak during pregnancy, then Venus should be strengthened.
 If Venus is strong then the child will be very beautiful.  And at that time, a woman should eat spicy typo things, do not donate to Venus, if donated, Venus will be weak.
Some clumsy astrologers donate Venus due to incomplete knowledge.Donate only to those planets who are sinful and cruel and are at risk of miscarriage.
2. Mars is in effect in the second month. Eat sweet and strengthen Mars and wear more red clothes.
3. The Guru remains in the third month. Eat sweets or sweets made of milk and wear yellow clothes more.
4. The influence of the Sun remains in the fourth month. Eat juices and wear more of Mahroon clothes.
5. The fifth month is the effect of the moon. Eat milk and milk- rice and white things and wear more white clothes.
6. Saturn remains in effect for six months. Take calcium and juices of astringent things and wear more sky clothes.
7. Effect of Mercury on seventh month, drink plenty of juices and fruits and wear more green clothes.
8. The eighth month is again the influence of the Moon and the ninth month the Sun. During this time, if a planet is traveling in the low, then havan Yagya should be done for the whole month.
The more the womb will be warmed by the rays of the planets, the more the child will be great and meritorious, as if a chicken gives more heat to its eggs then its child is born stronger.
If the heat is less, then its chick will be very weak. Similarly, the stronger the mother is, the stronger it will be with the rays of the planets.
For example, Duryodhana's body became like a thunderbolt due to the sharp rays of Gandhari's eyes.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

बृहदेश्वर मंदिर, Brihdeswar Temple in Thanjavur,Tamilnadu

आप बिना चूने, सीमेंट या मिट्टी का प्रयोग किए कितनी ऊंची दीवार उठा सकते है ?

10 फीट ? 15 या 20 फीट ?

ये दीवार कितने दिनों तक खड़ी रह सकती है?
1 साल ?  5 या 10 साल?

अगर मैं आपसे कहूं कि हमारे देश में एक ऐसा मंदिर है, जो सिर्फ पत्थरों पर पत्थर रख कर बनाया गया है।
 जिसकी ऊंचाई 216 फीट है और जो पिछले 1000 सालो से बिना झुके खड़ा है, तो क्या आप विश्वास करेंगे?
शायद नहीं, लेकिन ये सच है आइए जानते है कौन सी है ये इमारत।

परिचय - इस विराट मंदिर का नाम है, बृहदेश्वर मंदिर, जो कि तंजावुर, तमिलनाडु राज्य में स्थित है। ये मंदिर भगवान शिव को समर्पित है और इसका निर्माण चोल राजा राजा चोल द्वारा 1010 ईसा मे पूर्ण कराया गया।

1 - मंदिर परिसर में मुख्य मंदिर भगवान शिव को समर्पित है, जिसकी ऊंचाई 216 फीट है। मंदिर चारो ओर से ऊंची दीवारों से घिरा है, जो कि 16 वी शताब्दी में जोड़ी गई। परिसर का मुख्य द्वार (गोपुरम) लगभग 30 मीटर ऊंचा है, इसके अतिरिक्त परिसर में नंदी मंडप, प्रार्थना मंडप तथा अन्य देवी देवताओं के लिए भी मंदिर बने है, जो कि कालांतर में अन्य राजाओं द्वारा जोड़े गए है।

2 - ये दुनिया की प्रथम और एकमात्र ऐसी इमारत है जो पूरी तरह ग्रेनाइट पत्थरों से बनी है, इसको बनाने में 1.3 लाख टन पत्थर का इस्तेमाल हुआ।
आश्चर्य की बात ये है कि मंदिर परिसर के लगभग 60 किमी के दायरे में कोई पहाड़ या पत्थर का स्त्रोत नहीं है, पत्थरों को यहां तक लाने के लिए 3000 हाथियों का प्रयोग किया गया।

3 - जिस समय ये मंदिर बन कर तैयार हुआ उस समय ये दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची इमारत थी, जो विश्व में हमारी स्थापत्य कला का लोहा मनवाने में सक्षम है। इसे बनवाने में मात्र सात वर्ष का समय लगा जो अद्भुत है।
4 - मंदिर के शिखर (विमान) पर स्थापित पत्थर (कुंभम) का वजन 81 टन है जो कि एक ही पत्थर को काट कर बनाया गया है। इस पत्थर को 200 फीट की ऊंचाई पर स्थापित करना मॉडर्न तकनीकों से भी मुश्किल है तो फिर इसे 1000 साल पहले हमारे पूर्वजों ने कैसे संभव किया?
5 - इस पत्थर को स्थापित करने के लिए 6 किमी ऊंचा एक रैंप तैयार किया गया जिस पर हाथियों कि सहायता से इसे खींच कर ऊपर तक पहुंचाया गया, आप इसके निर्माण की भव्यता का अंदाज़ा केवल इस एक घटना से ही लगा सकते है।
6 - नंदी मंडप में स्थित नंदी कि प्रतिमा की ऊंचाई लगभग 13 फीट और लंबाई 16 फीट है, जो कि एक ही चट्टान को काट कर निर्मित किया गया है।
7 - गर्भ ग्रह में स्थित शिवलिंग देश के सबसे बड़े शिवलिंगों में से एक है, जिसकी ऊंचाई 29 फीट है।
8 - इस मंदिर का निर्माण पत्थरों कि इंटरलॉकिंग तकनीक द्वारा किया गया है तथा चूने अथवा अन्य किसी पदार्थ से जुड़ाई नहीं की गई ।
9 - दीवारों तथा मंडपो पर सर्वत्र मूर्तियां, चित्र व तमिल व संस्कृत अभिलेख खुदे हुए है।

अपनी संस्कृति की महानता का अंदाज़ा लगाने के लिए एक बार अवश्य इस मंदिर के दर्शन करे

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Baphuon Temple -Splendid Shiva Temple in Cambodia, earlier Hindu Kingdom

Baphuon Temple

The Baphuon is a temple at Angkor, Cambodia. It is located in Angkor Thom, northwest of the Bayon. Built in the mid-11th century, it is a three-tiered temple mountain built as the state temple of Udayadityavarman II dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva. It is the archetype of the Baphuon style with intricate carvings covering every available surface. The temple adjoins the southern enclosure of the royal palace and measures 120 meters east-west by 100 meters north-south at its base and stands 34 meters tall without its tower, which would have made it roughly 50 meters tall. Its appearance apparently impressed Temür Khan's late 13th-century envoy Chou Ta-kuan during his visit from 1296 to 1297, who said it was 'the Tower of Bronze...a truly astonishing spectacle, with more than ten chambers at its base.'
The Baphuon (Khmerប្រាសាទបាពួន) is a temple at AngkorCambodia. It is located in Angkor Thom, northwest of the Bayon. Built in the mid-11th century, it is a three-tiered temple mountain[1]:103 built as the state temple of Udayadityavarman II[2]:103 dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva. It is the archetype of the Baphuon style with intricate carvings covering every available surface[3]. The temple adjoins the southern enclosure of the royal palace and measures 120 metres east-west by 100 metres north-south at its base and stands 34 meters tall without its tower, which would have made it roughly 50 meters tall. Its appearance apparently impressed Temür Khan's late 13th century envoy Chou Ta-kuan during his visit from 1296 to 1297, who said it was 'the Tower of Bronze...a truly astonishing spectacle, with more than ten chambers at its base.'
In the late 15th century, the Baphuon was converted to a Buddhist temple. A 9 meter tall by 70 meter long statue of a reclining Buddha was built on the west side's second level, which probably required the demolition of the 8 meter tower above, thus explaining its current absence. The temple was built on land filled with sand, and due to its immense size the site was unstable throughout its history. Large portions had probably already collapsed by the time the Buddha was added.
Surrounded by a wall 125 by 425 m the central tower was probably gilded wood, which has not survived.[4]:376
By the 20th century, much of the temple had largely collapsed, and restoration efforts took on an epic quality. A large-scale project to dismantle the temple so that its core could be re-enforced before the whole is re-constructed again -- a process known as anastylosis -- was abandoned after civil war broke out in 1970. The workers and archaeologists were forced to leave 300,000 carefully labelled and numbered blocks organised across 10 hectares surrounding the temple. However, the plans identifying the pieces were lost during the decade of conflict and the Khmer Rouge that followed.
A second project to restore the temple was launched in 1996 under the guidance of architect Pascal Royère[5] from the EFEO. It took the team another 16 years to complete what had become known as the "largest 3D jigsaw puzzle in the world"[6]. In April 2011, after 51 years of work, the restoration was completed and the temple formally re-opened. King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia and Prime Minister Francois Fillon of France were among those who first toured the renovated temple during the inauguration ceremony on July 3, 2011.[7]

Saturday, October 27, 2018


This giant temple with a 20-storied Gopura is constructed at the main temple. Two life-size elephants in concrete stand guard at the steps leading to the temple. The entire temple and temple complex, including the 249 feet tall Raja Gopura, which is considered the tallest gopura in the world. The temple authorities have installed a lift that provides a breath-taking view of the 123-feet Sri Shiva idol from the top of the Raja gopura.

The origin of "Murdeshwar" is associated to Atma Linga carried by Ravan and dates to the time before Ramayana.

The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva whose giant statue can been seen in #Yog mudra, lies on the holy beach town in the Bhatkal Taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the state of Karnataka, India. Situated between the Honnavar and Bhatkal town (about 12kms), about 150 km from Mangalore.

Sphinx temple of Baluchistan



#Balochistan was part of Indian state before the blunder of partition by our political leaders. There are many faded historical and archaeological complex in the region as it was a part of the great Sapta Sindhu Civilization (The Indus). One of the gem is a vedic sphinx which is located in Hingol National Park. In the centre of the same park lies the famous Shakti peeth of goddess #Sati (Shakti) which is famous as Hinglaj Mata Mandir. This temple is situated on Hingol river bank about 250 km to North West of Karachi. This temple has very old existence and #Jayadratha (Saindhava - King of #Sindhu), brother in law of Kauravas who married the only sister named Dushala built many temples around Hinglaj Mata Mandir. These sites predates Mahabharata (~5500 BC), and indeed this Vedic Sphinx was built by Sindhu Kingdom ruler.

Raja Deekshithar, discovered the sphinx in Indian Civilization with a position of an animal at the gate. Many believes it's a depiction of Narasimha or Purushamriga. This sphinx is considered as guardian of knowledge and believed to a well flourished higher educational centre. Very close to the sphinx is a Hindu temple like structure with Mandapa, the Vimana and top of Vimana is missing. The sphinx is reclining in front of temple acting like a guardian to the temple just like Nandi Bull in front of every Shiva Temple. In one form it seems like the sphinx is worshipping Shivlinga. Almost similar image of Purushamriga was found carved out in a south indian temple (see pic 8 ). Almost all ancient temples in North India was destroyed by foreign invaders which was started by Mahmud of Ghaznavi. A closer look of this entire complex gives clear cut evidences of a rock cut temple which can be found almost in all parts of Country.  The front carving which is eroded looks like of Kartikeya and Ganesha. The kalasha above the gopurams have been gone due to time.

The sites of Sapta Sindhu Civilization is been dated as far as 7700 BC, and further research on this master piece of Sindhu Kingdom should be studied.

In all possibility, these temples in Hingol was built by Jayadratha or his ancestors. His father name was King Vridhakshatra. It is believed that Sindhu Kingdom was founded by King Vrsadarbh who was son of Sivi and its capital was known as Vrsadarbhpura. The kingdom of Sauvira was founded by Prince Sauvira. The neighbouring kingdom of Madra, Kekaya and Sindhu  belonged to Madraka, Kekaya and Vrsadarbh; all four  were  son of great king named Shivi.

#Shivi was direct descendant of #Yayati's son Anu. #Anu had three sons; Sabhanara, Chakshusha and Paramekshu. Sabhanara Son was Kalanara; his son was Srinjeya; his son was Puranjeya; his son was Janamejaya; his son was Mahamani; his son Mahamanas; who had two son #Usinara and #Titikshu. Usinara had 5 sons ; Shivi, Trina, Gara, Krimi and Darvan. Shivi had 4 sons; Vrshadarbh, Sauvira, Kaikeya and Madra.

Titikshu had one son named Ushadratha; his son was Hema; his son was Sutapas; his son was Bali; whose 5 sons were Anga, Banga, Kalinga, Suhma and Pundra known as Dirghatamas. The son of Anga was #Para; his son was Divaratha; his son was Dharmaratha; his son was Romapada who also got title of Dasaratha; his son was Chaturanga; his son was Prithulaksha; his son was Champa who founded city Champa. The son of Champa was Harryanga; his son was Bhadraratha; his sons were Vrihatkarman and Vrihadratha. Vrihatkarman son was Vrihatmanas; his son was Jayadratha; his son was Vijaya; his son was Dhriti; his son was Dhritavarta; his son was Satyakarman;  his son was Adhiratha who found Karna in a basket; son of Karna was Vrishasena. These were also known as Anga Kings which started from King Anga.

PC : Bibhu Dev Mishra, IIT Kharagpur

#Balochistan was part of Indian state before the blunder of partition by our political leaders. There are many faded historical and archaeological complex in the region as it was a part of the great Sapta Sindhu Civilization (The Indus). One of the gem is a vedic sphinx which is located in Hingol National Park. In the centre of the same park lies the famous Shakti peeth of goddess #Sati (Shakti) which is famous as Hinglaj Mata Mandir. This temple is situated on Hingol river bank about 250 km to North West of Karachi. This temple has very old existence and #Jayadratha (Saindhava - King of #Sindhu), brother in law of Kauravas who married the only sister named Dushala built many temples around Hinglaj Mata Mandir. These sites predates Mahabharata (~5500 BC), and indeed this Vedic Sphinx was built by Sindhu Kingdom ruler.

Raja Deekshithar, discovered the sphinx in Indian Civilization with a position of an animal at the gate. Many believes it's a depiction of Narasimha or Purushamriga. This sphinx is considered as guardian of knowledge and believed to a well flourished higher educational centre. Very close to the sphinx is a Hindu temple like structure with Mandapa, the Vimana and top of Vimana is missing. The sphinx is reclining in front of temple acting like a guardian to the temple just like Nandi Bull in front of every Shiva Temple. In one form it seems like the sphinx is worshipping Shivlinga. Almost similar image of Purushamriga was found carved out in a south indian temple (see pic 8 ). Almost all ancient temples in North India was destroyed by foreign invaders which was started by Mahmud of Ghaznavi. A closer look of this entire complex gives clear cut evidences of a rock cut temple which can be found almost in all parts of Country.  The front carving which is eroded looks like of Kartikeya and Ganesha. The kalasha above the gopurams have been gone due to time.

The sites of Sapta Sindhu Civilization is been dated as far as 7700 BC, and further research on this master piece of Sindhu Kingdom should be studied.

In all possibility, these temples in Hingol was built by Jayadratha or his ancestors. His father name was King Vridhakshatra. It is believed that Sindhu Kingdom was founded by King Vrsadarbh who was son of Sivi and its capital was known as Vrsadarbhpura. The kingdom of Sauvira was founded by Prince Sauvira. The neighbouring kingdom of Madra, Kekaya and Sindhu  belonged to Madraka, Kekaya and Vrsadarbh; all four  were  son of great king named Shivi.

#Shivi was direct descendant of #Yayati's son Anu. #Anu had three sons; Sabhanara, Chakshusha and Paramekshu. Sabhanara Son was Kalanara; his son was Srinjeya; his son was Puranjeya; his son was Janamejaya; his son was Mahamani; his son Mahamanas; who had two son #Usinara and #Titikshu. Usinara had 5 sons ; Shivi, Trina, Gara, Krimi and Darvan. Shivi had 4 sons; Vrshadarbh, Sauvira, Kaikeya and Madra.

Titikshu had one son named Ushadratha; his son was Hema; his son was Sutapas; his son was Bali; whose 5 sons were Anga, Banga, Kalinga, Suhma and Pundra known as Dirghatamas. The son of Anga was #Para; his son was Divaratha; his son was Dharmaratha; his son was Romapada who also got title of Dasaratha; his son was Chaturanga; his son was Prithulaksha; his son was Champa who founded city Champa. The son of Champa was Harryanga; his son was Bhadraratha; his sons were Vrihatkarman and Vrihadratha. Vrihatkarman son was Vrihatmanas; his son was Jayadratha; his son was Vijaya; his son was Dhriti; his son was Dhritavarta; his son was Satyakarman;  his son was Adhiratha who found Karna in a basket; son of Karna was Vrishasena. These were also known as Anga Kings which started from King Anga.

PC : Bibhu Dev Mishra, IIT Kharagpur

Lathia piller of Gupta Period 322BC-185 BC

Lathiya  Pillar (Jamania) is Monolithic pillar dating to the SkandaGupta period which was built on the lines of the Mauryan period (322 BC to 185 BC) although it has eight lions instead of four, the Garuda figure resting on a circle of lotus leaves, which once crowned the bell-shaped capital.
Four brick temples of Gupta period has been found mostly in the form of ghost walls. All these temples are facing east and having the same plan. These  were composed of two architectural units, the sanctum (Garbha Griha) and mandapa. Stone pillar is situated west of the temple group. Temple No.1 and 2 and its enclosure wall were constructed in period II phase I and temple No. 3 and 4 were constructed in Phase II of same period.

The temple site at Lathiya in Jamania tehsil has a close connection with a similar site at #Bhitari where an inscribed Gupta pillar of the time of Skandagupta stands in the vicinity of a temple. Every year Lathia mela is organised which fetches huge amount of devotees.

Jamania tehsil is in Ghazipur district. Jamania gets its name from Rshi Jamdagni because of his Ashram. Ghazipur old name was Gadhipuri associated to King #Gadhi. King Gadhi was father of #Viswamitra and #Satyawati. Satyawati was mother of Jagdambni Rshi whose son was Parashuram. #Buxar few kms from Ghazipur is associated with Viswamitra after becoming BrahmaRishi, this was the place where #Tadka killing happened by Shri Ram and Lakshman. The site of "Ahalya getting back to life" is in Buxar which is now known as #Ahirauli.